Friday, June 9, 2023

Baseball & Softball Coaching: Teaching outfielders, the importance of charging a grounder in the OF.

Teaching outfielders the importance of charging a ground ball is crucial for their defensive performance in baseball and softball. Here are some key points to emphasize when teaching outfielders about charging grounders:

  1. Quick Response: Charging a ground ball allows outfielders to quickly close the gap between themselves and the ball, reducing the time it takes to field and make a play. Emphasize the importance of reacting quickly off the bat and making a decisive move towards the ball.

  2. Maintaining Momentum: Charging the ground ball enables outfielders to maintain their momentum towards the ball, which can result in quicker and more efficient fielding. This momentum can help outfielders get to the ball faster and make a strong, accurate throw to the intended target, whether it's a base or an infielder.

  3. Closing the Distance: Outfielders need to understand that charging the ball allows them to close the distance between themselves and the base or target they are throwing to. Stress the importance of reaching the ball as quickly as possible to limit the runner's advancement and increase the chances of making a play.

  4. Reading the Ball: Teach outfielders to read the trajectory and speed of the ball off the bat to determine the appropriate angle and distance to charge. By understanding how the ball is hit and how it will bounce or roll, outfielders can position themselves optimally to field the ball cleanly.

  5. Staying Low and Balanced: When charging a ground ball, outfielders should focus on staying low and maintaining a balanced stance. Emphasize the importance of bending the knees and keeping the glove low to the ground, ready to field the ball cleanly. This position allows for quick reactions and reduces the risk of the ball getting past the outfielder.

  6. Communication: Communication is essential when charging a ground ball in the outfield, particularly when there are multiple outfielders converging on the ball. Encourage outfielders to communicate with each other by calling out "I got it!" or "Mine!" to assert their intent and avoid collisions.

  7. Practice and Repetition: Provide outfielders with ample opportunities to practice charging ground balls during drills and game-like situations. Incorporate different angles, speeds, and types of ground balls to simulate realistic scenarios. Regular repetition of charging drills helps outfielders develop the necessary skills and instincts required to react quickly and make successful plays.

    Baseball Coaching: A Guide For The Youth Coach & Parent By emphasizing the importance of charging ground balls, teaching proper technique, and providing regular practice, outfielders can enhance their defensive abilities and become reliable contributors to the team's success.
    Some of Marty Schupak's youth sports resources:
    44 Baseball Mistakes & Corrections (book)


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